Google is one of the biggest names in the world of technology and is synonymous with search engines. However, Google was not always known by that name. It started its journey as Backrub, a simple search engine prototype that was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University in the 1990s. But, as Backrub evolved, so did its name, and it eventually became Google — a name that has become one of the most recognized global brands today.

The Backrub search engine was an early version of what would eventually become Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin started working on it while they were still graduate students at Stanford. Backrub worked by ranking web pages based on their incoming links, which was a revolutionary concept at the time. Their approach was to give higher priority to pages with more links because they thought that pages with more links were more important and more relevant to users.

Backrub was able to crawl thousands of web pages and rank them using this algorithm. They were happy with the prototype’s performance, but they were not happy with its name. Brin and Page thought that it was not catchy enough and that the name did not reflect their vision for the future of their search engine.

After much deliberation, they came up with Google, a name that is derived from the word «googol,» a mathematical term that refers to the number one followed by 100 zeros. Brin and Page thought the name was a perfect fit for their search engine since it reflected their vision of organizing the vast amount of information on the internet.

The name Google was a bold choice, and it paid off. Google quickly became a household name and has remained one of the most recognized brands in the world. Today, Google is much more than a search engine, and their name represents the company’s commitment to innovation, technology, and turning complex problems into simple solutions.

In conclusion, the importance of a name cannot be overstated, and the success story of Google is a testament to that fact. From a simple search engine prototype called Backrub to one of the most influential companies in the world, the name Google has become a brand that is synonymous with innovation, efficiency, and world-class technology. It is a powerful reminder that sometimes, all you need is the right name to unlock your potential and become a global success.

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