In today’s digital era, data protection is paramount. In this context, taking all the necessary measures to safeguard confidential information from cyber intruders is vital. One of the essential steps is to create strong passwords, but despite the constant reminders, people still use passwords that are easy to guess. In this article, we’ll discuss why passwords are not enough and provide essential tips for achieving better cybersecurity.

Passwords are Still Vital, But Not Enough

Passwords serve as a protective barrier between the online world and your sensitive data. They act as the first level of security and prevent unauthorized access. However, today’s cybercriminals have sophisticated tools and techniques that can easily crack weak passwords. Moreover, the numerous logins that most people use every day make it hard for humans to remember complex passwords, leading to risky behavior such as password reuse.

When thinking about how to secure data, the use of complex passwords should be a given. Consequently, users are urged to avoid predictable passwords, like «123456» and «password.» Additionally, cybersecurity experts recommend people to use lengthy passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. However, as mentioned, passwords alone are not enough.

Say No to Password: Here Are Tips for Better Cybersecurity

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of protection after the password. Two-factor authentication works by requiring users to provide additional information, such as a code sent to a registered email or phone number. Although it may seem tedious, it significantly enhances security.

2. Use a Password Manager

Password managers are applications that generate, store, and manage your passwords. With password managers, there’s no need to have your passwords written down somewhere, making them easier to remember. The application automatically saves your passwords, and all you have to do is remember your password manager’s master password.

3. Keep Software Up-to-Date.

It’s crucial to keep software up-to-date to prevent security breaches. Developers continually develop security patches for vulnerabilities that are discovered in software. Therefore, to keep cybercriminals at bay, it’s vital to ensure that software versions are updated on all devices.

4. Create Backups

It’s essential to create backups to help in the recovery of data in the event of a cyber-attack or hardware malfunction. Backups can help users recover lost data or quickly restore operations after a cyber attack. For added security, it’s recommended to store backups in a secure location.

5. Educate Yourself

Educating yourself on the various cybersecurity risks and best practices is crucial in staying protected. Learning about new threats and risks will help you stay informed and better protect your data. Additionally, you can share your knowledge with colleagues, family, and friends to help create a culture of cybersecurity.


Passwords are still essential in keeping your data safe from cybercriminals, but it’s not enough. The tips outlined above will help you achieve better cybersecurity by adding additional layers of protection. In today’s digital world, where cyber-attacks are on the rise, we must all take cybersecurity seriously. Therefore, keep learning and keep improving your cybersecurity protocols, and you’ll be well on your way to better protecting your data.

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